About TECI2

About us

We are the Team that Cares about Connections.

From Jonah Cooper Jr., LLC’s HANOJ concept (Helping America Negotiate Opportunities and Jobs), to Talent Circles’s focus on Candidate Relationship Management, TECI2 is the team whose mission is to connect people to each other and then to opportunities.

Beyond providing connection in a world increasingly divided, TECI2’s founders saw the need for innovation in the talent and employment acquisition sector. Then, because they could and it made sense, they opted to create a software that not only works to solve workforce management but also enhances internal processes, productivity, and communication.

Over 30 years of workforce and business development experience in resolving inclusion and diversity issues within underserved populations at the local, state and national levels through public private partnerships. JCJ understands the importance of improving financial independence for job candidates and for increasing your productivity and bottom line by having the right candidates in the pipeline to do the job right. JCJ is comprised of consulting experts with long-term and wide-ranging national expertise which includes the fields of workforce development, leadership development, diversity training, education & training, entrepreneurship, business engagement and supplier development.

More than a decade of advancement in Candidate Relationship Management and Modular Software solutions.


TECI2 Solutions

Those in need

Business and Organizations can reach new and dislocated workers, or upskill an incumbent workforce for the development of new markets.

Untapped Talent

Entrepreneurs and Businesses alike can form unique solutions to talent needs through communities and collaborations.

Learning Extended

Allows for easy access to quality, affordable training or education in high-growth industries.

Measure Effectiveness

Track impact in real-time, course-correct for the best outcome in all metrics.

Let’s Connect the Dots and Measure what Matters.

Reach out today for a full demo of TECI2’s capabilities. We’d love to talk about how our technology can transform your organization and the people you impact.

Solutions that Make a Difference

TECI2 is a conduit, a helpmate, with myriad configurations we customize to fit your needs. It’s modular and integrative design makes it a chameleon that adapts brilliantly to create solutions to even the most complex problems.
