Community Building Automation System

Building Automation System Community

Welcome to the Building Automation System's Community

We're happy you are here. You've just made the first step in helping our environment, while helping your future self.

Here's the story.....Currently, buildings are a major source of harmful GHG Emissions!

  • Buildings currently contribute close to 40% of Global Green House Gas Emissions.
  • Today’s high-performance buildings place new skill and knowledge demands on facility managers, building operators, engineers, equipment installers, and other onsite technicians.
  • Skill deficiencies among these professionals can prevent high- performance buildings from delivering on their promise, adversely impacting their energy savings, indoor environmental quality, cost effectiveness, and long-term viability.

To be less harmful to our environment, there is a new movement towards smarter buildings and a smarter grid.

This has created a need for a NEW OCCUPATIONAL ECOSYSTEM and this new profession needs expertise in computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering.

In other words, we need YOU!!

Change Your Life

Naquan’s life started out pretty rough; however, he met some people along the way that cared about him and eventually he came in contact with the Building Automation Technician Training Program.

Naquan Golsby is currently a Service Technician for Johnson Controls. He discusses his career pathway journey beginning from when he first was interested in STEM at a young age to working in a high-tech, exciting career field in Building Automation Systems.

Listen to what he has to saw. We hope this can be your story too.

Click: Change Your Life


Learn More About The BAS Technician Training Initiative. Join Our Next Live Session!

Meet the people who are hiring for this job. Learn what a day in the life of a BAS technician is like. Ask them questions!

Our initiative is focused on addressing the middle skills environment which represents the largest potential pools of new jobs.

It offers both Classroom and Instructional Labs. Both Degree & Certificate Programs are hosted in Classrooms and Instructional Labs which feature the latest generation of instructional tools. Trainers that teach leaners about heat pumps, chillers, boilers and air handling equipment provide students with hands on experience in the setup and maintenance of critical commercial building infrastructure.

See below

Have Fun & Learn!!

Save The Earth!!

The first Earth Day in 1970 mobilized millions of Americans from all walks of life to birth the modern environmental movement. Since then, Earth Day has evolved into the largest civic event on Earth, activating billions across 192 countries to safeguard our planet and fight for a brighter future.


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  • 4 Components That Make A Smart Building

    Many buildings currently under construction have IoT solutions as part of their initial design, but with the right components you can bring the IoT to your existing building now. Let's discuss!

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